2020 - Our Year in Review

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Hello Buddies!!

As we reflect on 2020 we are amazed by our little buddies, mentors, our school and community partners. We are deeply grateful to our volunteers and donors. We have all come together to continue to serve our Twin Cities children who have been hardest hit by the pandemic. 

2020 has been a challenging year for all of us, especially our little Buddies. Can you imagine being a child with limited resources during this time?

As kids left schools suddenly in March to shelter in place, without any supplies or even the contents of their desks or lockers, Art Buddies was there. We delivered more than 12,000 Art Buddy Activity Kits to our kids in high-need neighborhoods, including homeless shelters (like People Serving People, Harriet Tubman Center, and Avivo), at Public School Food Distribution sites, at homeless encampment sites, and over 3,500 to Head Start. Each kit included both art and school supplies, plus a fun Art Buddies Activity and Coloring book.

It is so very important to let our children know that even though we can’t be together in person we are still there for them. That’s why now as all our scholars are distance learning, we are adapting again and bringing them the Art Buddies Penpal Program. We are bringing 10 weeks of joyful projects, letters, and encouragement from their very own Penpal! We are holding true to the mentorship model of our Program — this time with a snail mail twist.  

Many of our school partners report that Art Buddies is one of — if not the only — enrichment program still serving their kids during the pandemic.

We will continue to develop programs to show the children from our highest need areas that even though we can’t be together, the program they love in their schools and neighborhoods is still here for them today.

We need your help. The way we pay for these programs is through your donations. As your hometown non-profit reaching the children who need it most, it would be so meaningful to receive support from you during this critical time.

To show you what you help make possible, I’d like to share our online awards gala we hosted just a few months ago, called The Buddies! It is a joyous presentation, highlighting our school and community partners, mentors, volunteers, and donors. I encourage you to watch and celebrate the many buddies who make our work possible. Click the button below to watch
The Buddies.

Although this year is challenging we have so much to be grateful for. We are ready to continue reaching our kids with creativity and connection. We just need your financial support today to make the programs happen! Please give generously to keep these creative minds flourishing!   

All my best to you and yours.

 Stay creative!

Heidi Rich

Executive Director