Art Buddies presents E-pals

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Art Buddies E-pals

A brand new program designed for the distance learning scholar

See how Art Buddies has adapted our original in person program to be accessible for our scholars who are Distance Learning in St. Paul.

Just like our in person program, each little buddy is paired with a big buddy. Together they are working through our Buddy Book, creating Super Buddies, writing stories, and their very own comics. The Art Buddies E-pal program is designed to share creativity, empower kids, inspire confidence, solve problems and build one to one relationships with kids in high-needs schools.

Art Buddies is one of the few, and in some cases, the only extra curricular enrichment program that Twin Cities kids are able to be involved in right now.

The snow can't stop us, but we need your support to create and connect this winter!

Your donation is key to keeping our programs free and accessible
for schools and the kids with the highest needs.

With every donation we reach more kids.

Sponsor an E-pal pair or donate funds for supplies.

Donate to inspire, create and give joy